SITECH Sp. z o.o. with the title of "PracoDawca Zdrowia"
"PracoDawca Zdrowia" is a program that aims to promote health prevention and to increase interest in research for the detection of civilization diseases, especially cancer. Only 13 institutions received the award, our company is the only one from the automotive industry.
The certificate was granted on February 26, 2019, by the Ministry of Health for above-average care for the health of its employees and effectiveness in implementing health promotion programs. This is a special distinction for SITECH Sp. z o.o., from the hands of Sławomir Gadomski - Deputy Minister of Health, was received by the management of the HR Department of SITECH - Anna Malczewska and Aleksandra Palewicz.
In order to be certified, the following criteria had to be met: to promote a healthy lifestyle and adequate nutrition in the company, to make employees aware of the need to carry out cancer prevention tests and to support preventive examinations.
"This campaign has three simple recommendations: daily exercise, a healthy diet, and regular preventive examinations," explains the Deputy Minister of Health.
"We totally agree with that. Each of us should apply these three issues on a daily basis. We encourage our employees to do so by organizing various health programs, such as cancer action calendar, healthy weight loss program as well as a physiotherapy office on the company's premises" - adds Anna Malczewska.
Fot. Ministerstwo Zdrowia