We take a number of actions aimed at taking care of the natural environment. We promote the idea of environmental protection both among employees and the local community. Thanks to rational management of natural resources, we minimize the negative impact on the environment.

Waste management

At Brose Sitech, we carry out selective waste segregation in production halls and offices. Storage of hazardous and non-hazardous waste is the least favorable form of waste disposal. Therefore, our company carefully selects waste recipients who are able to neutralize the waste to minimize its negative impact on the environment. However, waste of recyclable materials such as plastic or paper is sent for recovery or recycling.

By segregating waste our way, we also take care to develop positive habits of maintaining order, economy, and regularity among our employees. Promoting the culture of ecological living is one of the ways we implement our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.

Water and sewage management

At Brose Sitech, we reduce the consumption of water used both for technological processes and for social purposes. Water used during the process of painting metal elements is demineralized in a water treatment plant. Waste generated during this process is then used to clean our production halls.

In our company, we monitor the quality of wastewater discharged into the sewage system and surface water. Industrial wastewater from the installation of coating metal elements goes directly to the chemical treatment plant, where it undergoes neutralization processes.

Air protection

A by-product of the welding and sealing processes is the emission of gases and dust into the air. Brose Sitech regularly monitors the results of tests of pollutants emitted to the atmosphere through accredited specialized laboratories. Thanks to using the state-of-the-art air purification methods, we can capture 99% of gases and dust generated in technological processes. The air purified in winter conditions is directed back to production halls - this way the hall is heated.

Noise protection

Brose Sitech complies with all noise standards in accordance with the integrated permit. This is confirmed by the positive results of our accredited acoustic analysis laboratories. Although the activity of our company does not interfere with the life of the local community, we constantly work to reduce noise emissions into the environment.

Ecological education

All Brose Sitech employees are trained in security. Already at the stage of employing them in the company, the most important environmental issues are presented. Moreover, Quality and Environmental Protection Days are organized for employees to develop environmental awareness. We also constantly run information campaigns on ecological events important for the natural environment.

We also take care of ecology after hours. We engage our employees to participate in environmental actions such as forest cleaning or tree planting.

As part of our pro-environmental actions, two editions of the "Ideenmanagement - The environment in your hands" environmental competition were held.

Environmental management system

The Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001 is a tool supporting environmental protection in preventing pollution and the impact of activities on the natural environment.

Annual audits carried out by an independent external entity confirm compliance with the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard and the effects of the environmental performance of the objectives reducing the environmental impact by Brose Sitech.

Environmental and Energy Policy
Polityka środowiskowa i energetyczna