Safe in Danger" project - SITECH Sp. z o.o. helps students to implement the project
The supervision over the project and preparation of high school students was carried out by Andrzej Świerczyński, Plant Safety Manager from the SITECH Sp. z o.o. company.
Today, a terrorist attack drill and evacuation of the school were carried out at Primary School No. 3 in Polkowice. It was a spectacular part of the project of students of the United Nations of Europe School Complex (Zespół Szkół im. Narodów Zjednoczej Europy) in Polkowice, which was helped by the District Police Headquarters in Polkowice. The students take part in the nationwide contest "Exempted from theory". The behavior of students during terrorist attacks or planting a bomb has become the subject of a social project.
In the school where the attack drill was organized, the high school students had previously given lectures in grades VI-VIII on life-threatening behavior. They showed that ignorance about terrorist attacks and related behaviors is a social problem. Most people, especially children, do not know what to do during an attack.
- We want to provide people with as much useful information as possible about assaults and assistance to victims. Thanks to this, many tragedies of young people and their families can be avoided. Our goal is to educate society and increase their knowledge - say the participants of the project.
The "Safe in Danger" project deals with educating and broadening knowledge of young people. The young women from Polkowice organize lectures on various forms of terrorism, including the intrusion of an attacker on the premises of a school, a shopping mall or a large gathering of people and the planting of a bomb and the effects of such behaviors as first aid to the victims.
- In addition, we performed exercises on first aid, bandaging and dressing wounds, and also showed how to help victims, not always with professional things, but with the things we have at hand - they explain.
The beneficiaries of the project are teachers and students of Primary School No. 3, among others 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade primary school. The high school students are planning to visit other groups in four other schools not only in Polkowice, but also in Lubin.
Supervision over the project and preparation of high school students was carried out by Andrzej Swierczynski, Plant Safety Manager at SITECH Sp. z o.o. "Being guided by the values of the Volkswagen Group, we as a company also take responsibility for the environment and society. This is an important aspect in the shaping of the company’s culture." - emphasizes Andrzej Swierczynski. The participants of the project are very happy with the results of their lectures and practical exercises. They are planning to carry on with educating Polkowice’s students.